Filing a sexual harassment complaint in Hawaii can feel overwhelming. You know it is necessary to protect your rights, but the process itself is daunting. Knowing what to expect can help make the process clearer. By understanding the steps that typically follow after...
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Sexual Harassment
Organizational factors that contribute to sexual harassment
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a pervasive problem that can affect employees' well-being and job satisfaction. Individual actions contribute to sexual harassment. However, certain organizational factors can do the same. Understanding these factors is the first...
Examples of sexual harassment in the tourism industry
Tourism is the largest industry in Hawaii, bringing billions of dollars to the state's economy each year. However, tourism and hospitality can be tough sectors to work in for several reasons. Many jobs require long hours for little pay, staff turnover can be high and...
Sources of sexual harassment other than your employer
Sexual harassment occurs when someone displays unwanted sexual advances or otherwise sexual behavior toward you. Workplace sexual harassment is against the law in Hawaii. In addition to advances from your employer, this law applies to unwanted sexual conduct from...
What should you do if you face sexual harassment in Hawaii?
Under Hawaii and federal law, sexual harassment is illegal. Sexual harassment can include requests for sexual acts, sexual advances and other forms of implicit and explicit conduct. All Hawaii employers that have 15 or more employees are subject to the jurisdiction of...
Online workplace harassment is on the rise
If your working life in Hawaii has changed significantly since 2020, you’re not alone. Since businesses started going remote, holding online meetings and not requiring employees to show up at the office, work has been very different. There are a lot of benefits to...
Game maker to settle an EEOC claim
Hawaii residents who work within the state expect their jobs to be free from harassment. However, for many women, sexual harassment in the workplace is something that still occurs in spite of it being illegal. Recently, a large game maker was the subject of an EEOC...
What are some common signs of workplace sexual harassment?
As an employee in Hawaii, you expect your workplace to be free of toxicity and inappropriate behavior. Unfortunately, in spite of the law making it illegal, sexual harassment still occurs in many workplaces and in social situations. If you believe you or someone else...
Quid pro quo vs. hostile work environment sexual harassment
Sexual harassment in the workplace is prohibited as a form of unlawful discrimination in Hawaii and around the country. Despite this prohibition, it continues to be a pervasive problem in workplaces throughout the state. Sexual harassment can take one of two forms,...
Overview of sexual harassment in a retail setting
Sexual harassment and workplace discrimination are recurring issues in the 21st century in Hawaii and across the country. There are some occupations in which workers face matters like sexual harassment with more frequency than others. For example, the retail workplace...